Licensing Diagnosis: Problems and Resolutions
- The built-in administrator account on LIC-SRV must be entered in when you click “Provide Credentials”
- If when you select which license server to use and you are currently logged in to the built-in administrator account on RDSH-SRV and the username and password of the built in Administrator account is the same on both RDSH-SRV and LIC-SRV
- http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Microsoft_Operating_Systems/Server/Q_27709558.html
- http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/cb6bec1f-3e4d-41bc-bfa8-c53977aea50b/two-forests-with-ts-2008-and-terminal-server-license-problem?forum=winserverTS